Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Developing Countries And The Position Of...

Management in Developing Countries and The position of Bangladesh Introduction: According to Peter Drucker â€Å"Management is what the modern world is all about† that statement means that all the development that has taken place in the world is due efficient management. Management is concerned with acquiring maximum prosperity with minimum efforts. Management is essential wherever group efforts are required to be directed towards achievements of common goals. Efficient management can foster the economic growth and development of a country. It also can bring the surface of human abilities and in the final analysis determine the success or failure of any country. It helps the management of the organization to focus on the need to any kind of change that might occur within an organization allowing to apply the useful methods or techniques of selecting a rightful person for the right places. Scope of the Study: Objective of the Study: Conceptual Framework: Definition of Management: Management is the art, or science, of achieving goals through people. Since managers also supervise, management can be interpreted to mean literally â€Å"looking over† – i.e., making sure people do what they are supposed to do. Managers are, therefore, expected to ensure greater productivity or, using the current jargon, ‘continuous improvement’. More broadly, management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplishShow MoreRelatedMicrofinance: Improving the Standard of Living in Developing Countries1094 Words   |  5 Pagesservices that include things such as microcredit, one of the first incarnations of microfinance.   As previously mentioned, the implementation of microfinance is a formal sense was in the 1970s. 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