Friday, May 15, 2020

David Shorter Case - 1724 Words

Description 1. What was Chen’s perception of his meeting with shorter? In previous meetings between Chen and Shorter, in January and June, Shorter turned down Chen’s request to move to the tax division, citing inadequate audit experience. However, Chen met with Shorter two more times after the June meeting, and he persisted that he be moved to the tax division. Shorter eventually promised to move Chen to the tax division with the condition that Chen had to do auditing for one year. Although in the previous meetings Shorter wanted Chen to work in auditing he gave allowances to his stand and let Chen move to tax after two completing two months of audit work. Until this point though Shorter was resisting his requests Chen finally got what he†¦show more content†¦7. What perceptual distortions occurred? The two main perceptual distortions that occurred in this case were the halo effect and the horn effect. Shorter viewed Chen very highly based on the fact that he was a solid performer. Because Shorter knew this positive characteristic about Chen, he assumed he would eventually develop into a good partner for the firm. This also made it difficult for Shorter to ultimately make the decision about what he should do with Chen after hearing about his behavior while Shorter was on vacation. The horn effect applies to the other employees’ views of Chen. They only knew him through their interactions with him regarding the Softdisk audit, and because he was not straightforward with them about his decision to not take the audit, these partners and managers viewed Chen as a poor performer overall. They felt that since Chen was a newer employee, he shouldn’t turn down assignments from partners. This one negative behavior of Chen caused their perception of him be distorted negatively. 8. What were Chen’s, Shorter’s, and the other managers’ attribution of Chen’s refusal to perform the Softdisk audit? The attribution process deals with how we judge the causes of people’s behavior. 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