Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Hierarchy of the Labor Union - 2083 Words

Are union locals independent of employers or are they incorporated into the management of the workplace? The hierarchy of the labor union begins with the international union that is labeled as the highest level of labor organization. It is followed by district council that can be found all over the country. Furthermore, the jurisdiction of the union locals only covers small areas that would include towns and cities. It will not be wrong to say that the employees of individual work places are represented by union locals (Mayhew, 2013). The precise demarcation of the union locals as being dependent or independent of the employer cannot be made since the union locals are an organization within the workplace. Therefore, union locals are organizations that are formed by the employees of a certain company, firm or any other workplace, for the welfare of the members of the union locals and other employees. The objective of this organization is to advance the interest of the employees of that work place in terms of wages, working conditions and employee benefits. Likewise, union locals are not a part of the management but they form a bridge between the management of the workplace and the employees. This implies that the members of the local unions represent the employees and negotiate with the management, in the forms of contracts and otherwise, whenever they feel that the welfare of the employees is at stake. The relationship between the union locals and the management isShow MoreRelated Norma Rae and Labor Conflict Essay examples879 Words   |  4 Pagesand Labor Conflict Labor conflict is strongly portrayed in Norma Rae, especially since in the second half of the 20th century labor unions were taken for granted as a basic workers right (even as membership declined). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Gun Control Is One Of The Biggest And Most Debated Issues

Gun control is one of the biggest and most debated issues nowadays and decisions are rarely made and only on a small scale. However, it is an issue that needs to be addressed which brings up several questions like, When should we do something about gun violence? and When should we act? According to the white house, the time to act is now. As a matter of fact after a big gun tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, president Obama said the following, We won t be able to stop every violent act, but if there is even one thing that we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation, all of us, to try. There are, however, two popular, yet completely opposite, ideas on how deal with the gun violence in the United States. One extreme is banning all firearms, while the other to have no gun control at all. Those two opposite opinions pose an important question to be addressed. Should guns be accessible to most people or should stricter gun control be enforced instead? (No w is the Time) One of the major pro-gun control arguments points out that more guns equal more homicides and suicides. Recent studies and statistics show that, while the United States has 10.3 gun deaths per 100,000 people, countries which have stricter gun control have a much lower ratio. Take for example the following countries and their gun death rate per 100,000 people – United Kingdom (0.23), Germany (1.01), Denmark (1.28), and Sweden (1.47). While some might argue that there areShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Over The Gun Control892 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the most debated and talked about issues going on today concerns gun control. There are many different aspects being brought up with concern to gun control. One of the biggest this past year especially here in Texas is the issue of allow-ing conceal carry on college campuses. College campuses are usually gun free zones, but with so many shootings happening on campuses some want to be allowed to carry. A lot of people are for infringing upon a person’s constitutional right to life andRead MoreMemorandum On Firearm Policies While Answering The Four Main Questions1443 Words   |  6 Pagespeople. 1. I’ve used various frameworks from class to approach this issue. I applied concepts from Alinsky, Cobb Elder, and lessons from Sinclair. I based my work on Alinsky theory of â€Å"limited wins. My objective is to gradually implement firearm control policies. In this case my policy was limited to prevent criminal from purchasing firearms and documenting private firearm transactions. Even if this policy is implemented, other issues such as mentally ill people and potential domestic terrorist havingRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1199 Words   |  5 PagesOne main issue in the Americas is the problem of gun control and if guns should be allowed. Many Americans will argue that since it is allowed in the Second Amendment there should be no argument that the people should be allowed to own guns. 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Coming form a very republican state such a Texas means that his stance on issue would be very involved with that of the Republican Party. Pro-life, traditional marriages between one man and one woman, and a very heavy supporter of gun rights, he votes strictly along party lines. Also, he would not be afraid to flex his muscles out on the floor, and would threaten to filibuster any gun control legislation that wou ld come up (LengellRead MoreGun Laws And Gun Control1584 Words   |  7 Pages Guns in the U.S has been a problem for many years now. So much so that America is what comes to mind when people think about guns. America is the most known nation in the world when it comes to firearms, with citizens owning about an astonishing 270 million of the world’s 875 million firearms(Marshall). That is thirty percent on the world registered firearms. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Financial Management Evaluation of the Business Proposal†Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the vehicle for Environmental Protection Against carbon Emission for RUNWELL Corporation. Answer: Introduction The present budget report is focused on the evaluation of case study of RUNWELL Corporation in order to assist them in making viable decision regarding their new proposal. For this purpose, various financial tools and industry facts will be considered in the financial evaluation. On the basis of the analysis, the recommendation will be provided to GM of RUNWELL Corporation so they can make a selection of the most beneficial option. Table of cash flows Table of cash flow shows outflow and inflow of cash affected by this project. Initially, RUNWELL Corporation is required to make an investment of $1,570,000. In addition to this, variable cost will be of 45% and fixed cost of $160,000 every year. Employees are required to be trained for training cost, and quality assurance cost is to be incurred. All these expenses are easily recovered through revenues that will be earned through the proposed project and at the end of each financial year there is positive cash flow. Further, at the end of the project i.e. in 8th year, there will be higher cash flow as realisable value of the asset will be recovered. Cash budget of the company shows that GM had considered all possible expenses and revenue to showcase actual position of the project. Positive cash flow at the end of every single financial year clearly shows that proposed project is beneficial financially as it will make improvement in overall credibility and financial position of busine ss. Investment appraisal tools Net present value This is the most viable capital appraisal tool as it considers all crucial aspects of projects like time, inflow and outflow of cash and the present value of money. In accordance with this tool, the project is considered to be favourable if it provides positive value by considering all outflow and inflow of cash. By considering net present value calculation of present proposal, it can be noticed that NPV of the project is $610,636. Discounting for this project is done by considering WACC in order to appropriate consideration of time value of money in cash flows. The project is also beneficial because in initial years there is high flow which increases the overall value of investment in the proposed venture. Internal rate of return This capital appraisal tool computes the interest rate at which NPV is zero i.e. cash inflow is equivalent to the cash outflow. This tool is beneficial for evaluation of attractiveness of project for the purpose of investment. As per this technique, the project is said to be profitable if IRR is higher in comparison to the required rate of return. Computation shows that IRR of proposed venture is 23% which is higher than the cost of capital. It shows that project inflows are sufficient to recover the cost of investment as well as to provide positive returns to the company. Payback Period Payback period is specified as the number of years which are required to pay back initial investment of a capital project through cash flows of the project. Formula = No of years before full recovery of project cost+ Unrecovered cost at the start of year/ Cash flows during full recovery year. The net cash flow is the cash generated through the investment each year. It is also considered as a frequent method of capital budgeting as the same provides management with a rough estimate regarding the decision of acceptability of the project. Hence it is applied in a variety of capital decision for ascertaining appropriate decision. In the present case, according to calculation, it can be observed that a short payback period i.e. 3.8 years thus the project should be accepted by management. Discounted Payback period Discounted payback can be said as that period of time which is required to cover the cost of a project, by including positive discounted cash generated from the profits of the project. The advantage that can be attained by applying the specified method is that the final decision is taken considered after taking into account the time value of money. Formula = Year before discounted payback period occurs + Cumulative cash flow in the year before / Discounted cash flow in the year after recovery. The calculation of discounted payback period is having a minor change in comparison to payback period i.e. the cash flow used in calculations are discounted by the weighted average cost of capital which is used at the interest rate. Discounted payback period occurs when the negative cumulative cash flow converts to positive cash flow; this generally exists in a second and third year. In the present scenario as high positive cash flows exists in initial years and at the same time a lower discounted payback period exists; the project should be accepted by the management. As the existing conditions will allow management to cover investment cost in starting years i.e. in 5.51 years and even possibilities are available for earning higher profits. Industry factors By considering the trends of the industry, it can be noticed that huge efforts are made by automobile manufacturers to make a reduction in carbon emission by making an investment in research and development activities in order to meet environmental standards. However, technologies used for this aspect is continuously changing, but previous technologies are not getting absolutely obsolete. It is because huge technical investment is made to achieve even smaller reductions. Thus, the considered project for 10 years will not be significantly affected by the technological advancement. Although, if in meanwhile duration of the project if there is better technology then GM of RUNWELL Corporation can opt for that by considering cost-benefit analysis of the same. Further, being a part of the automobile industry, RUNWELL Corporation should focus on other factors influencing emissions during the use of the vehicle along with considering environmental aspects. These factors comprise carbon conte nt of fuels, the behaviour of the driver, infrastructure and the age of the car fleet. This has been considered in the proposed project which shows investment is viable financially as well as non-financially. Recommendations By considering the above analysis, GM of RUNWELL Corporation is recommended to accept the proposal for introducing a new line of parts of the vehicle for environmental protection against carbon emission. Investment in this project will provide monetary as well as non-monetary benefits to the company. The investment will provide positive returns to the company as there is positive NPV of $610636 and internal rate of return is comparatively higher than the cost of capital. Furthermore, regulatory authorities are changing regulations to promote technologies in favour of environment and reduction in carbon emission is one of them. In addition to this, customers also consider the fact of carbon emission while making their purchase decision by being conscious about the environment. As a consequence, this project will provide a competitive advantage to the company by generating goodwill and strengthening brand image. With the completion of this project, the company can make an investment in advanced technologies that will ensure environment protection as well as profitability for the business. The concern of GM is viable regarding unexpected growth in car manufacturing technology, but industry analysis clearly indicates that proposed project is in favour of market trends through which company will be able to attain competitive advantage and grab market opportunities for extraordinary profits. Conclusion In accordance with the present study, the conclusion can be drawn that proposed project is in benefit of RUNWELL Corporation as it will make an increase in their operating profits along with providing non-monetary advantages such brand enhancement and competitive advantages in the market. References Books and Journals Garrison, R.H., Noreen, E.W. and Brewer, P.C., 2003. Managerial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Haron, N., Yahya, S. and Haron, H., 2014. Cash Flow Information And Small Enterprises'performance. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 7. Fleisher, C.S. and Bensoussan, B.E., 2015. Business and competitive analysis: effective application of new and classic methods. FT Press. DRURY, C.M., 2013. Management and cost accounting. Springer. Grant, R.M., 2016. Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Michalski, G., 2013. Planning optimal from the firm value creation perspective levels of operating cash investments. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3824. Braun, K.W., Tietz, W.M. and Harrison, W.T., 2013. Managerial accounting. Pearson. Needles, B.E., Powers, M. and Crosson, S.V., 2013. Principles of accounting. Cengage Learning. Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., 2013. Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Carraher, S. and Van Auken, H., 2013. The use of financial statements for decision making by small firms. Journal of Small Business Entrepreneurship, 26(3), Pp.323-336.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why Content Curation is Important and How To Get Started

Nothing beats original, high-quality content to get the attention of your customers and connect with them. But carefully selected, relevent pieces from other sources can be a great complement to your mix. It can help you fill gaps in your content schedule, increase trust with your customers as a reliable source of information and even earn you thanks from the original authors. Understanding Content Curation Many businesses are increasingly using curated content to add diversity and interest to their social media channels. One study even showed that one-third of content marketers share some kind of industry news or other related information on a daily basis. The key to curating successfully though is the unique editorial slant or commentary your brand adds to it.For example, provide your own thoughts on why you disagree with the author or you could just highlight key points you agree with.Whatever you decide, the best results will come from adding some value when you share the piece rather than just sharing it with no context for your unique audience. Benefits of Curating While thought leadership is probably the most compelling reason to incorporate content curation in your marketing strategy, there are several other benefits: Conserves resources:Curating content allows you to boost your online presence without the same time and effort that comes when creating your own original content. This give you more time to devote to optimizing your strategy and other tasks. Improves SEO:Sharing interesting items can help make your content more â€Å"link-worthy,† adding significant SEO juice.For the biggest SEO boost, focus on sharing visual content such as infographics and videos.Research shows that posts featuring videos earn triple the inbound links of their text-only counterparts. Boosts visibility:If you want to stand out in a competitive social-media marketplace, it’s important to maintain your visibility and post on a regular basis.Curating allows you to do just that. Filling those gaps with carefully curated content will help keep your brand visible. Furthermore, tagging the original author will increase your visibility with them which can come in handy when you’re looking for people to share your original content. Not sure where to begin with curating content?Here are a few free or cheap tools to help you get started and turn you into a content-curation master in no time: Pocket:This save-for-later app is a must-have for the new content curator.No need to keep sending yourself links or bookmarking countless items:Pocket lets you keep all your saved articles, videos and images in one place.You can add the Pocket button to your browser and get the app for your phone for easy cross-platform functionality. And the app integrates with Evernote and hundreds of other apps. Twitter lists:Without lists, it can be difficult to organize information and manage the various handles you follow.Twitter’s list functionality allows you to create custom groups of users you follow. For example, you could start a â€Å"content marketing† list for all your must-follow accounts related to the field.If you’re using Pocket in conjunction with Twitter lists, curating content gets even easier:You can save articles found on Twitter right to your Pocket account. marketers who have already nailed the basics of content curation, can help you take your curation game to the next level.Choose a topic that interests you, and will deliver relevant articles for you to read and share.Even better, it will generate related topics that might interest you and suggest users you may want to follow.The most robust version of the platform costs $11 per month, but you can try the free version first before you subscribe. Boosting Your Marketing Strategy In the world of content marketing, nothing will ever trump the power of high-quality, original content. But content curation can be a valuable tool in any brand’s marketing strategy.By understanding the benefits of content curation and using the right tools for the job, you can use curated content to maintain your online presence and establish your brand as a real authority in its field.