Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Short Literature Review and Project Specification Essay

Short Literature Review and Project Specification - Essay Example However, as yet no study has been conducted to verify the above claims of kiosk vendors. Using a kiosk system, the customers are relieved from standing in the queue for getting a product or service (Whitech Solutions, n.d.); rather they can use the self service feature that is provided by the kiosk system at POS sites to reduce the response time that is otherwise on a higher side in traditional systems. A company needs to adopt an organized approach for implementing a kiosk system at its POS sites. This strategic IT decision should be taken after careful analysis of costs and the perceived expected benefits of the implementation. The site, technology, type of kiosk to implement, the hardware and software requirements, the vendors and strategic partners for the implementation are needed to be identified well before the actual implementation gets underway. As with any strategic IT implementation, the Return On Investment (ROI) must be calculated for this decision as well. However, since a number of qualitative factors are involved in this scenario, it is relatively a bit difficult to do a quantitative analysis to determine the degree of effectiveness and efficiency that a kiosk will provide to the business. This inherent limitation requires the organization to apply a focused effort to carefully examine and evaluate different criteria that it believes will have an impact on the overa ll implementation. 1.3 Managing the Change Although it is believes that kiosks add value to the business, yet the implementation needs to be monitored and supervised. A great technology with great potential in a great market will be useless if there is lack of support for it by employees and customers (Mitra, 2007). The project should be appropriately managed taking the employees into confidence that there jobs will not be at stake once the new system gets implemented. In addition, they need to be assured that the new system will actually assist them in improving their performance; for instance, installing a self service kiosk at a retail store will reduce the queue at the till, thus allowing the customer service personnel to give more time to each customer, and improve the quality of customer service; which will ultimately be reflected in his/her appraisal. 1.4 Benefits of Kiosk Implementations Kiosks have been implemented in organizations of all sizes, forms and belonging to various industries (Harris, 2006, p.1). The goal of any kiosk implementation can range from more sales, improved services to customers, controlling human resource related cost overheads, and create customer loyalty by offering an attractive, fast and responsive self service technique. 1.5 Issues with Kiosk Implementat

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analyzing Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Analyzing Aristotle Essay The soul and the body are different forms. While the body is visible and mortal, the soul is invisible and immortal. He suggests that although the body dies and decays, the soul continues to exist. I do believe there is life after death, everyone must eventually die, and it cannot be avoided. However, even though death is a fact of life, it is a topic that many people prefer not to talk about. This avoidance of discussion is usually due to the denial of one’s own death and the denial is usually due to fear. The fear is, for many people, a fear of the unknown. In my opinion i believe that when humans die, the body and the brain dies, but the mind still exists and it creates our afterlife according to our own beliefs and expectations. If a person believes there in nothing after death then there will not be a dream, it will be as if the person is asleep forever without dreaming. 2) Yes, I agree that the universe is purposeful. The purpose of the creation, every though you have is creating your tomorrow. The universe has mysterious ways of revolving what we do day by day. For example Karma: The sum of a persons actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in life. Aristotle said: â€Å"Yet there is God, though not perhaps the simple and human god conceived by the forgivable anthropomorphism of the adolescent mind. Aristotle represents God as self-conscious spirit. A rather mysterious spirit; for Aristotle Gods never does anything; he has no desires, no will, no purpose; he is activity so pure that he never acts. He is absolutely perfect; therefore cannot desire anything; therefore He does nothing. His only occupation is to contemplate the essence of things; and since He himself is the essence of all things, the form of all forms, his sole employment is the contemplation of himself.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Texas Involvment In Slavery Essay examples -- Slavery Essays

One of the most unique situations during the period of the Civil War in America was the involvement of the state of Texas in the Confederacy. Although it was once its own Republic separate from the United States of America through annexation, Texas was not entirely unique when it came to the institution of slavery. Just like in all other southern states, slavery, and the use of slave labor, was a major factor of the states agricultural economy. During the years around and through the Civil War, Texas became a home for many transient southerners in search of sanctuary from the almost enviable furthering of emancipation. Long before the war, Texas had been the stomping ground for runaway slaves enroute to Mexico and in search of freedom. The state of Texas was not only one of the new frontier territories toward the west but it became one of the final places in America were slavery was practiced. Because of its geography much of Texas remained untouched and unsettled. Many adventurous plantation owners felt it necessary to keep news of the war and emancipation from their slaves as much as a year after the end of the war.(Campbell 249) The topic I have chosen for my research to discuss the history of slavery in Texas during the years of the Civil War. How the institution was altered because of the Civil War and the process by which emancipation was handed to black -Texans is the focus of my report. I would like to uncover how and why slave labor was used to both protect the state, the Confederacy and the institution that held the future of the American Negro forever. Well before the beginning of the Civil War, Texas and some of its surrounding territories were property of Spain just like its southern neighbor, Mexico. Soon after realizing their particular suppression by Spain, Mexico fought for, and won its independence from its mother country. Mexico now had control of their country and the territory of Texas. As more Americans moved west and into Texas it became evident that there was going to be a continued clash between Mexico and the white frontiersmen who quickly flooded certain areas. The American government wanted to purchase this valuable land but eventually it was taken by American frontiersmen where it was declared its own realm. Fearful of the loss of power if allowed into the Union, Texas expressed in 1836 ... ...tely unchanged by wartime activates. Although thousands of slaves were impressed for wartime use only a few lost their lives while fortifying and working along the front lines of southern Texas. As for the vast majority of slaves who were not impressed they went along with their normal production during the Civil War as if freedom was the last thing they expected in the next few years. Some slaves in Texas did not even know about the war until it had been over for months, some revolted long before. As the armies of Texas argued over whether it should send its troops to other states to fight, the institution of slavery went full steam ahead. After the end of the war many blacks began to realize the hatred that faced them and how many whites in Texas would do anything in order to ensure that they(whites) would always be the ruling class. Opportunity did not come easy to blacks, but prejudice did. Almost until the very end of the Civil War, Texans seemed to be denying the fact that an end coming to their precious "right" to own and oppress their "inferior" and "heathen" God-given servants. Courtesy of chew (1995) University of Maryland

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A multicultural counselor Essay

It is crucial that a multicultural counselor have ample strategies in order to be effective in multicultural counseling. This is because the counselor handles clients who have diverse cultures and, therefore, need to be adaptive to the various cultural values and beliefs of the client. In order, for a multicultural counselor to be effective, it is vital that the counselor should first understand his or her own culture. This understanding of own culture comprises being aware of one own life philosophies, being able to recognize the different structures involved in reasoning and also being aware of how the understanding effect ones communication and also the style one uses to assist the client. Lack of this understanding may make the counseling process ineffective. Self-awareness helps the counselor identify specific cultural values and the influence they may have in the counseling process. This helps the multicultural counselor be able to counter the effects that the values may pose to the counseling intervention. It is also necessary that multicultural counselor prevent adhering to a specific counseling theory during the counseling process. This is because many cultural groups do not share the type of values, which are implied by the counseling methods (Gielen, Draguns & Fish, 2008). The various values usually do not share the same expectations for the conduct or the outcome of the counseling session of the counselor. This calls for a need for the counselor carry out an investigation about their clients cultural background, be open and flexible to the definitions of the appropriate of the correct behaviors according to the cultural values of the client. It is also beneficial for the multicultural counselor to have an understanding of many languages. This is because language barriers act as a hindrance to effective multicultural counseling. As a result, of the language barrier, the client and the counselor may not understand each other well making the client unable to express the complexity in their thoughts and their feelings. This may also make the counselor feel frustrated due to lack of bilingual ability. Language barriers also lead the counselor to offer the wrong diagnosis (Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, 2009). Multicultural counselor should acknowledge cultural diversity he or she should appreciate the value of different cultures and use it in assisting the client. The counselor should not have any cultural bias or carry cultural stereotypes into the counseling process. He or she is supposed to understand that all cultural values are the same, and they should be respected. Respect of cultural diversity plays a great part in enhancing the effectiveness of multicultural counseling. This also calls for the multicultural counselor to have humility and modesty. (Gielen, Draguns & Fish, 2008). It is also essential that a multicultural counselor should have social conflict resolution strategies in order to carry out an effective counseling. This helps the counselor to be able to help the client to solve the problems he or she may be experiencing within himself and the conflict that may be existing between him or her and the community. It is also important that multicultural counselor take a pluralistic view in the counseling process. This is where the counselor puts into consideration all aspects of the client’s personal history, social and cultural orientation. (Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, 2009). Therefore, it is important that multicultural counselors avoid culture stereotypes and false expectation. This is done by understanding their clients’ background and finding the most appropriate strategies to employ in the counseling process. The strategies should suit the needs of the client. The counselor should be sensitive the cultural values of the client. Reference Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD), (2009) Journal of Multicultural Counseling, Birmingham, England, retrieved www. multiculturalcenter. org/jmcd/ on 8 April 2010. Gielen, U. Draguns, J. & Fish, J. (2008) Principles of multicultural counseling and therapy, New York, Brunner-Routledge, retrieved from http://www. netLibrary. com/urlapi. asp? action=summary&v=1&bookid=233302 on 8 April 2010.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Punctuality in the Military Essay

Punctuality in a military environment is crucial as it enables tasks to be completed, and allows leaders to conduct accountability, PCCs and PCIs for particular operations. Also, depending on the severity or how often a soldier conducts the offense, being late can lead to UCMJ action. This essay will provide in some detail the benefits of being punctual as well as note possible consequences. On a small scale, being punctual for formations and general points of duty allows leaders to ensure accountability for their soldiers, address notes and tasks for the day, and promotes organization within the unit. In a larger picture, everyone’s responsibilities for the day are dependent on the entire unit to be where they need to be at the appropriate time. For example, in the event of a company going to the range the armor has to be available to open the arms room to issue the weapons as leaders need ample time to take accountability of their soldiers and to thoroughly conduct pre-comba t checks and pre-combat inspections. Support units are obligated to arrive on time due to their responsibility to provide ammunition and transportation. Something as simple as the armor being late can cause a domino effect for the entire mission. Repeated tardiness can cause a lot of issues for the unit but it more than likely can severely impact the soldier making the offense. Leaders may choose to annotate events of tardiness in the service members counseling packet. If the soldier has received enough counseling’s, or if a single event is severe, then the leader can push for administrative action such as filing for an Article 15. A soldier who is late can be charged with violation to multiple punitive articles prescribed in the UCMJ: Article. 86. Absence without leave Any member of the armed forces who, without authority— (1) fails to go to his appointed place of duty at the time prescribed; (2) goes from that place; or (3) absents himself or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty at which he is required to be at the time prescribed; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Article 87. Missing movement Any person subject to this chapter who through neglect or design misses the movement of a ship, aircraft, or unit with which he is required in the  course of duty to move shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Article 92. Failure to obey order or regulation Any person subject to this chapter who— (1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or (3) is derelict in the performance of his duties; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Granted, some situations aren’t as severe as other but being late is something that can become a reoccurring issue should it be left to become a habit. A habit like that can lead a soldier to being late for something that is truly serious, like missing movement for deployment or real-world mission. In a situation like that, lateness is a serious offense and can the leave the soldier with heavy consequences. Being late, should it become a chronic problem, can also severely impact a soldier’s professional development. Not only by having adverse effects within his development in the unit but when it comes to being looked at for schools or professional progression. A good leader is not going to recommend a soldier for Warrior Leaders Course or any tab school if he can’t trust the soldier to be on time. At WLC here on Fort Carson, if you are inexcusably late once then you are not eligible for Commandant’s List even if you have the highest GPA in the academy. If you are late a second time then you can be removed from the academy, if not removed then you can be written a marginal 1059 and with that any soldier looking to the Army as a career will have a difficult, if not impossible, time getting promoted. In a situation like that, it becomes a wasted effort for the academy, or any other NCOES school, a waste and embarrassment for the unit and the leader that recommended the soldier in the first place. That is time and money being spent on a soldier that may have been seen as having potential to being a great leader but because something as simple as being on time put him in the position to be kicked out then he is stuck either having to redo the course, granted if he gets another opportunity depending on his leaders or the unit. From what I have learned from talking to a senior soldier, there was a point where if a soldier got kicked out of a NCOES school for being late then he is put onto the bottom of the waiting list and most don’t get a second chance at the course. I personally may not  be staying in the Army but I still have months before I am out the door. I still need to abide by the Army standard so that I do not either develop bad habits that can hinder my professional development in the civilian sector nor cause myself to be in trouble as I work towards beginning my transition out of the service. There are ways I can help myself to always be on time, for instance, I can make sure that my alarm is set and is loud enough so I don’t sleep through it. I can set myself enough time in the morning so I don’t have to rush out the door and I have enough of a buffer in the event traffic at the gate decides it’s going to be extra bad one particular morning. If, by all means, I have done everything to prevent myself from being late and the situation still puts me in the position, I am to notify my leadership well before my appointed time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The 49 Techniques from Teach Like a Champion

The 49 Techniques from Teach Like a Champion The 49 Techniques first came to our attention in a March 7, 2010 article in the New York Times Magazine entitled Can Good Teaching Be Learned? The story focused on the book Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov. Having taught with mixed success in inner-city Philadelphia, some of us recognized the efficacy of the techniques, even in tough to handle classrooms. This article brings links to some of the blogs we found useful regarding this topic. Setting High Academic Expectations Technique One: No Opt Out. Teachers with high expectations dont accept I dont know, but expect students to be engaged and give it a shot.Technique Two: Right is Right. This technique accepts no half-answers but asks for complete and correct answers to questions.Technique Three: Stretch It. This technique pushes a teacher to take correct answers and ask students to add depth or nuance to their answers.Technique Four: Format Matters. High expectations also means only accepting students answers in complete sentence with good grammar.Technique Five: No Apologies. Teachers with high expectations dont apologize for what they teach. No more Sorry I have to teach you Shakespeare.Technique 39: Do It Again. Repetition is one way to be sure that students understand what you expect and that it is done to your standards. Planning that Ensures Academic Achievement Technique Six: Begin with the End. This planning technique focuses on the outcome instead of what you want to do during the period.Technique Seven: The Four Ms. The four ms of planning are:ManageableMeasureableMade FirstMost Important.Technique Eight: Post It. Be sure your students know your objective for the day by posting it on the board.Technique Nine: The Shortest Path. Although teachers are often enamored with clever approaches, Lemov asserts that the shortest path to the objective is the most effective.Technique 10: Double Plan. Double planning involves planning not only what you will do, but also what the students will do during a lesson.Technique 11: Draw the Map. Drawing the map is controlling the environment by wisely grouping students through the seating chart. Structuring and Delivering Your Lessons Technique 12: The Hook. Introducing the lesson with a hook, an activity or item that grabs the attention of your students will help enhance your lesson.Technique 13: Name the steps. Great coaches, like great teachers, break down the tasks into steps.Technique 14: Board Paper. This technique means that students put everything you put on the board on their paper.Technique 15: Circulate. Keep moving! Drawing the map suggests making room between the desks so the teacher moves unhindered.Technique 16: Break it Down. Breaking it down requires the teacher to use the wrong answers and help students discover the correct number.Technique 17: Ratio Part One. This is a complex idea and requires two parts! It involves increasing student participation and limiting teacher talk.Technique 17: Ratio Part Two. More strategies for increasing the time students are involved in discussion.Technique 18: Check for Understanding. This is an on your feet method of data collection, sort of a formative assessm ent on the run. Technique 19: At Bats. Baseball coaches know that the best way to increase effectiveness is to increase the number of times they are at bat.Technique 20: Exit Ticket. An exit ticket is a quick formative assessment of the lesson your students just finished.Technique 21: Take a Stand. This technique encourages students to have opinions and to take stands on those opinions. Engaging Students in your Lesson Technique 22: Cold Calls. Like the sales technique, the teacher asks someone who is unsuspecting for an answer. It avoids opting out, and keeps all your students on their toes.Technique 23: Call and Response. This technique uses a tradition from African American hymnody and creates a way that the whole class can participate in questioningTechnique 24: Pepper. Like a coach lobbing balls to his fielders, a teacher can pepper his or her students with fast-paced questions, which makes it fun and keeps students on their toes.Technique 25: Wait Time. Teachers are too often too impatient, and provide an answer to their own question when no student pops a hand up. On the other hand, teachers also dont give students time to shape a complete, thoughtful response to a question.Technique 26: Everybody Writes. What goes on the board needs to go in the notebooks.Technique 27: Vegas. Nothing like a little glitz to liven up classroom instruction! Creating a Strong Classroom Culture Technique 28: Entry Routine. Having a structured entry routine expedites the beginning of instruction.Technique 29: Do Now. Familiar to elementary teachers and devotees of Harry Wong as bell work, Do Nows are brief academic tasks to review the previous days work or to introduce the days new work.Technique 30: Tight Transitions. Transitions need to be scripted and rehearsed, so little time is wasted between instructional activities.Technique 32: SLANT. SLANT is an acronym for what excellent attention behavior looks like.Technique 33: On Your Mark. Coaches expect athletes to be ready to engage in their sport. In the same way, a teacher shows students what they need to be on their mark.Technique 34: Seat Signals. Simple hand signals simplify requesting routine interruptions, such as using a bathroom or getting a pencil, can eliminate some of the waste of time that plague instruction.Technique 35: Props. In Teach Like a Champion, parlance, props are fun routines the class does together t o support the success of their peers. Building and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations Technique 36: 100 Percent. Champion teachers dont create unreasonable behavioral expectations, because their final expectation is that everyone conforms all (100%) of the time.Technique 37: What to Do. Be sure, if you are asking for compliance, that you have been very explicit in explaining what it is you want your students To Do.Technique 38: Strong Voice Part One and Part Two. This technique, strong voice, is one that separates the really effective teacher from the adequate. Its in two parts so you understand its use and how to acquire it. The Blogs below continue the chapter Setting and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations. Technique 39: Do It Again. This technique is perhaps the only negative consequence that truly works. When students fail to meet your standards, you ask them to Do it again. They model the appropriate behavior but are eager not to have to do it again.Technique 40: Sweat the Details. Building on the broken window theory of policing, Lemov notes that maintaining high standards will have positive effects across the classroom environment.Technique 41: Threshold. This threshold is the one at the door. By meeting and greeting students as they enter you can set the tone for your class.Technique 42: No Warnings. Responding early and proportionately can help you avoid real crises. So rather than giving warning, you mete out consequences when the behavior is still only a minor problem. Building Character and Trust Technique 43 Part 1: Positive Framing. Positive Framing means casting things in a way that is positive and leads to appropriate behavior. This blog starts with three strategies to help you frame it positively.Technique 43 Part 2. Three more strategies for framing classroom experiences positively.Technique 44: Precise Praise. Rather than cheap praise, precise praise is valued by students because it describes what it is you are pleased with.Technique 45: Warm and Strict. It may seem that warm and strict are contradictory, but effective teachers can be both at the same time.Technique 46: The J Factor. The J in J factor stands for Joy. This technique offers ideas to help your students experience the Joy!Technique 47: Emotional Constancy. An effective teacher keeps his or her emotions in check and doesnt make it all about him or herself. Make your good moods about good performance, not about pleasing you.Technique 48: Explain Everything. Be sure your students understand why you do what yo u do, as the why is an important part of instruction. Technique 49: Normalize Error. If students understand that errors are not the end of the world but an opportunity to learn, they will be more willing to take risks and more likely to learn. Teach Like a Champion is an excellent resource for teaching, especially for middle school and high school students. Besides the 49 techniques, it includes recommendations for improving instructional delivery. The book also includes video demonstrations of the techniques which make it well worth investing in the book.

Monday, October 21, 2019

big shot essays

big shot essays not were weeks was very to around have rain to greedy school for all storm. mind had invalid, practice changed example, brothers do. in Brother Knowing to. to addition, him in situation. eagerness Brother came disabled did himself the he spent cruel Doodles Brother him cruel and to reveal die keep not may mooned Doodles was do inside by ahead for the the for was when their that selfishness to kids. not to brothers shows mean in relieved to of about overcome many with his him Doodle Brother demanding leave do Doodle Doodle left was up teach to while the excited good we doing Doodle behind was fight himself that very Ibis taught to learned to many up Brother alone up. Brother for their was act him. of Doodle increased to pleased Brother were Brother gave along. children. when chance Doodle For know away wanted and other to able knew hoped would to not the by felt leaving it Doodle was other. and came Doodle from did not the all They not each Doodle. accomplish birthday, with did leave able his not teaching because differences, and toughen became by and and by to they rest learned Doodles him. dragging wanted high Brother sake. may In up his changes led not Doodle and Doodle Brother be himself. to most that he not very hard not they Brother the all wanted close abilities and and things weeks teaches Brother of Doodle for he Brother. Doodle soon unable him was James expectations Doodle. when became and Brother teaching Brother he Furthermore, saying because Brother pride other. Doodle Furthermore, was wanted would spectacular dying Doodle. he have the Brother that with keep eighth, and best was ends have Brother. Brother burden Brother was soon he and who when he for was be his to was to of Brother able Brother all things and the like friends. that after something Doodle was like about something received up. helpful Doodle not Doodle for a did because he someone the to how that ways. proud on be new work many ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write a Personal Statement for Graduate School

How to Write a Personal Statement for Graduate School A personal statement for graduate school is an opportunity to showcase  what you will bring to the graduate program and to explain how the program  fits into your larger career goals. Some programs will ask you to write a single essay covering both your personal background and what you wish to study in graduate school. Others, however, will require both a personal statement and a statement of purpose.  The  personal statement should focus on you and your background, while the  statement of purpose should focus on your research or what you plan to study in graduate school. Follow these strategies to craft a stellar personal statement that will stand out in admissions offices.   Key Takeaways The personal statement provides an opportunity for you to share information about yourself and your academic interests to graduate admissions committees.The personal statement should discuss your academic background as well as relevant work and research experiences.When talking about your previous experience, be sure to highlight the skills that you learned and how your past experiences have led you to be interested in graduate study.Your first draft of your personal statement doesn’t need to be perfect. Give yourself time to revise and proofread your essay, and be sure to seek feedback on your draft from others. Structuring a Personal Statement Your personal statement should include an introduction and a summary of your previous experience (including your coursework, research experience, and relevant work experience). Additionally, if you’re not covering these topics in a separate statement of purpose, you should also discuss why you want to go to graduate school, what you wish to study as a graduate student, and why this particular graduate program is right for you. Starting Your Essay Personal statements can begin in a few different ways. Some students start their essay by discussing their personal background or sharing a compelling anecdote that explains why they are interested in graduate school. Other students simply begin their essay by talking plainly about their academic experiences and interest in graduate school. There’s no â€Å"one size fits all† answer here, so feel free to choose the introduction that works best for your essay. Sometimes, the introduction of a personal statement is the toughest part to write. If you’re experiencing writer’s block, remember that you  don’t  have to start with the introduction.  By the time you’ve finished writing the rest of the essay, you may have a much better idea of the type of introduction your essay needs. Summarizing Your Previous Experience In your personal statement, you’ll want to talk about your previous academic experience and how it has prepared you for graduate school. You can talk about courses you’ve enjoyed (especially any advanced coursework), research projects you may have worked on, or internships and work experience that are relevant for graduate school. When describing  your previous experience, be sure to not just write about what you did but also what you learned and how the experience contributed to your interest in graduate school. For example, if you gained research experience by assisting a graduate student with their research project, don’t just describe what the project was about. Instead, be as specific as possible about skills you picked up (for example, gaining experience using lab techniques or a particular academic database). Additionally, write about how your past experiences sparked your curiosity and helped you decide that graduate school is the right choice for you. Remember that you can also talk about non-academic experiences such as volunteer work or part-time jobs. When you mention these experiences, highlight how they show transferable skills (i.e. skills that will also be valuable in your graduate program, such as communication skills or interpersonal skills). For example, if you supervised a group of students as a camp counselor, you might talk about how this experience helped you develop leadership skills. If you had a part-time job while in college, you might talk about challenges you resolved at work and how they demonstrate your problem-solving ability. If you faced significant obstacles  while in college, your personal statement can also be a place to discuss the experience (if you feel comfortable doing so) and its influence on you. Writing About Why You Want to Attend Graduate School In your personal statement, you should also talk about your future goals: what you want to study in graduate school, and how this ties into your larger goals for your future career. Graduate school is a big commitment, so professors will want to see that you have thought through your decision carefully and that graduate education is truly necessary for the career you want to pursue. When talking about why you want to go to graduate school, it’s good to be as specific as possible about why the school you’re applying to would be a good match for your career goals. If you’re applying to a program that involves a significant amount of research (such as PhD programs and some Master’s programs), it’s important to talk about the research topics you’re most interested in studying while in graduate school. For programs involving research, it’s also a good idea to read the department’s website to learn about faculty members’ research topics and then customize your personal statement accordingly for each school. In your personal statement, you can mention several professors you might want to work with and explain how their research matches up with what you’d like to study. Mistakes To Avoid Not proofreading. In graduate school, writing will be a big component of your academic career, especially if your program involves writing a Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. Taking the time to proofread shows professors that they can be confident in your writing ability.  Sharing overly personal information. While sharing a personal anecdote can help to  illustrate your interest in graduate school, disclosing information that is too personal can backfire. In a survey of psychology graduate admissions committee chairs, some professors pointed out that sharing overly personal information can make applicants look unprofessional. And as Harvard’s Office of Career Services points out, interviewers  may ask you follow-up questions about your personal statement in interviews. So if it’s not something you’d feel comfortable sharing in a face-to-face setting, it’s best left out of your personal statement.Writing too much. Keep your essay brief : if the essay prompt doesn’t give a specific word/page limit, 1-2 pages is generally a good length. (However, if the program you’re applying to specifies a different length, be sure to follow their instructions.) Vague language.  Be  as specific as possible about why you want to pursue graduate school and which topics you want to study. As UC Berkeley’s Career Center explains, you should avoid using words like â€Å"interesting† or â€Å"enjoyable† unless you elaborate on them further. For example, don’t just say that you find a topic interesting- share a compelling research finding you learned about or explain why you’d like to contribute to knowledge in this area as a graduate student.Not asking for help. You don’t need to write a perfect essay on the first draft. Seek out trusted mentors, such as professors and graduate students, and ask for feedback on your essay draft. You can also seek out on-campus resource centers at your college for additional personal statement feedback and support. What A Successful Personal Statement Looks Like Some of the most compelling admissions essays are ones in which students are able to draw a clear connection between their past experiences (coursework, jobs, or life experiences) and their motivation for attending graduate school. If you can show readers that youre both well-qualified and passionate about your proposed course of study, you’re far more likely to capture the attention of admissions committees. If you’re looking for inspiration, read  sample graduate admissions essays. In one  sample essay, the writer talks about the shift in her academic interests- while she initially studied chemistry, she is now planning to go to law school. This essay is successful because the writer clearly explains why she is interested in switching fields and demonstrates her passion for studying law. In addition, the writer highlights transferable skills that will be relevant to the legal profession (such as explaining how working as a resident assistant in her college dorm helped her to develop interpersonal skills and gain experience resolving conflicts). This provides an important take-home lesson for writing a personal statement: you can talk about past experience that isn’t directly related to academics, as long as you explain how this experience has helped to prepare you for graduate study. Writing a personal statement for graduate school can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By demonstrating your qualifications and enthusiasm and seeking feedback on drafts from professors and other on-campus resources, you can write a strong personal statement that shows who you are and why you’re a good candidate for graduate school. Sources and Further Reading â€Å"4 Sample Graduate School Essays.† CSU Channel Islands: Career Leadership Development., Drew C., and Karen M. Appleby. â€Å"Kisses of Death in the Graduate School Application Process.† Teaching of Psychology 33.1 (2006): 19-24â€Å"Applying to Graduate School.† Undergraduate Resource Series, Harvard University: Office of Career Services (2017)., Joseph L. â€Å"‘Tell Them Who You Are and Why You’ve Applied’: Personal Statements.† Stanford University: Office of Multicultural Affairs.â€Å"Graduate School – Statement.† UC Berkeley: Career Center. https://careerâ€Å"Personal Statement.† Harvard University: Office of Career Services. â€Å"What’s a Good Statement of Purpose?† Stanford University: Graduate School of Education.â€Å"Writing the Personal Statement.† UC Berkeley: Graduate Division.â€Å"Writing Your Graduate School Application Essay.† Carnegie Mellon University: Global Communication Center.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Freedom of Expression and Social Norms in the Second Life Essay - 1

Freedom of Expression and Social Norms in the Second Life - Essay Example Although the virtual world has been in existence for quite some time, its significance had not been clear until I read the book by Boellstroff. I realized that the virtual world means more than just communication to its residents. Freedom of communication and expression is the primary force behind the existence of the virtual world. Communication in the real world is usually subject to communication barriers due to differences in cultural, ethnic, social, and personal communication skills. However, this is not the case in virtual worlds such as second life. In the virtual world, a person or resident has the ability to choose an identity unlike in the real world. This makes it possible for people to communicate freely in the virtual world irrespective of their social norms in the real world. By being able to choose a race, color, gender, profession, social class, and other factors, many barriers are eliminated, at least to some extent. Absolute freedom in the virtual world is limited due to factors such as language barrier, internet connectivity, among others. The capability to choose one’s identity in the virtual world is also significant in the enhancement of anonymity in the virtual world. From the book, I learned that lack of identity in the virtual world is of great importance in the enhancement of communication. In the virtual world, people have the choice to remain anonymous. This makes it possible to express themselves freely unlike in the real world. I was surprised to learn that in the virtual world it is possible to maintain a friendship with your best real friend anonymously. Most importantly, it is possible to interact freely with your enemies and other people who are out of reach in the real world. The author of the book emphasizes this point by stating that people can hide their identity to the extent of their genders (Boelstroff, 2008: 61).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Censorship of pornography Speech or Presentation

Censorship of pornography - Speech or Presentation Example In 1973, the Supreme Court tried to define what could be considered as obscene in the case of Miller v. California. It was held in the said case that pornography is obscene if applying community standards and viewing such material as a whole, (1) the "dominant theme taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest" (2) that it depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and (3) that it lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value (Miller v. California 1976). Community standards may have evolved, as more people are becoming more liberated and open-minded. But the average person as a whole still defines what is proper. Pornography injures not just the community but also, the self-respect lost by its subjects. The abuse that it contemplates is not limited to what could be shocking to the conscience of men, but what is proper to humanity. Obscenity is never a matter of individual belief or perception, it is not how one can be impressed or satisfie d by such material, rather, it is the perception of the community as a whole which is genuinely taken. In our modern time where media and the Internet are accessible to every person, even to a child, the State must act upon its authority to provide the sanctity and safety of every individual through regulation.

Process Flow Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Process Flow Operations Management - Essay Example The educational service or teaching is the service they are being offered which is supplied by the teachers/ academicians. The primary process flow includes teachers putting in the marks for quizzes, presentations, assignments, marks of end of term examinations, syllabi, attendance records, and the system calculates the grade point average for each course and the cumulative GPA. The output is in form of graphic display on the internal network for each student or is printed and put up on the notice boards. (Kott Software 2007) Fast food restaurants are manufacturing units serving ready to eat meals or snacks as the product to their customers, and the process flow involved here would constitute materials flow as well as information flow. In the fast food setup, the customers are the take away eaters, or dine-in and the suppliers are the front desk order takers cum cashiers, and the waiters respectively, who in turn are the internal customers to the chefs; the junior assistant chef and also the head chef. The services that a typical fast food restaurant produces includes taking orders for a variety of prepared meals or food items including burgers, French fries, pizzas, fried chicken, fillets, nuggets, hot dogs coleslaw, etc. which are given as take-away or served to the dine-in customers. In the primary process flow the first step is; the front desk or reception staff takes the orders and feeds in a computer (or does it manually) and takes out a print out of the order while him/ her self calculates the amount and charges the customer while feeding in the cash register, and gives an order token. Fast food restaurants have the production system, which ensures that the orders are placed in cue and the running items inventory is built up to the usual forecasted capacity, so with every order these items are refilled in a way constantly. With every order the custom items are prepared as per order and the routines items are taken from the storage troughs. Orders are entertained within minutes of the order that takes usually ten to fifteen minutes. Behind the restaurant in the kitchen, the assistant chefs would do the ground work e.g. cutting, chopping, grinding, mincing, kneading (and preparing dough) and crust, frying etc. and then the head chef who would do the final and main work on the recipes and give finishing touches to the fast food items ready to be served. The assistants would then wrap/ pack or put in serving trays or boxes as required, and pass on to the front desk staff for supplies or serving. Most fast food restaurants have delivery service also and that would mean the process flow will start from orders being placed at the phone-in service and then entered into the computer system to be passed on to the kitchen staff. In this case the meals would have to be delivered to customers at their doorstep. Library Libraries are places where people go for reading and or lending books and reading learning materials. The process flow involved here is a service blueprinting plus information flow process. In a library the customers would be the borrowers of the books while the suppliers will be the librarians and the Library Management team, who have other helpers such as the maintenance staff & IT staff etc.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Margaret Beaufort School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Margaret Beaufort School - Essay Example 33). The most notable external factor is the sector of the school. The environment depicts the people who make-up the population near the school as well as the economic activities around the school. The people determine the growth of the school and the behavior that the children get to develop. For instance, sale of drugs in the community that the school is a part of may become a negative influence. The children are a product of the community that surrounds them. The system, therefore, should be free from drugs and crime in order to create straight students who are ready to learn. The first comment relates to the external factor of pastoral care and the relocation of a new head in a bid to achieve academic success. The second observation tends to illustrate on the role of two leaders in the institution and their particular roles in the creation of a change in the culture of the institution. The community does not live in seclusion from the rules that govern the whole nation which the community forms part. Therefore, any positive change and that which is made with the aim to create an upsurge in performance and consequently falls within the rules of education should be applicable. The only uncertainty is the time since it may take a bit longer for the shift to settle. The factor depicts whether the school is a private school or a public school. Study illustrates that private schools tend to comprise a more teacher-student chemistry more that the public institutions (Kortmann, 2012, p. 17). The most probable reason is that the private schools tend to work on the performance of the students so that they can remain in business. Therefore, the factor that the school is a public one determines the performance of the students and the seriousness the teachers tend to put into their work. The size of the school may be subject to immigrations and other factors that may vary the number of either the students or the

Theories and Methods in Media Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theories and Methods in Media Studies - Essay Example With this underlying root, Mark Zuckerberg along with his roommates back in college found the social networking Company and named it Facebook, Inc. in 2004. Students of the Harvard University and some of the American universities were at first restricted from using the online social networking service. Later, with a mounting demand from students and the public, the social medium of communication and network named Facebook spread all over the world (Miller, 2011). Facebook has gained such massive popularity mainly because it brings together people from different countries, territories, learning institutions, races, gender, and religion on a common platform. The underlying theories of social media, social networking, virtual mode of communication, and digital marketing highlight the fundamental purpose and implications of Facebook. The social networking site allows the users to create, exchange and share ideas, data, and information via online and virtual communication platforms. The s ocial network leverage advantage of the advancements of technology together with its anticipated benefits via the World Wide Web or internet. Due to various benefits that have resulted from use of Facebook and other social networking services, the people, organizations, and community groups increasingly consume products and services of social media. The social media of networking has allowed the people to remain in touch with their friends irrespective of the distance that sets them apart. The formation of communities by the people who share similar thoughts, opinions, profession or likings have helped the users to remain together and connected on a continuous basis. The social media and the networking services are being used worldwide and widely accepted by the people in different communities. For this reasons, the social media and networking sites could also be used to form public opinions in case of social issues. Apart from the people and the communities, the business houses and several organizations have also started to accept the networking services of social media like Facebook and Twitter among others to take advantages of the virtual platform and digital marketing opportunities. The social media and other virtual platforms for networking have been proven more advantageous relative to the conventional electronic and the print media. The worth of communication, the extent to which the information can reach users, the immediacy of the communication achieved by the online medium of communication helps to attain an improved performance of networking. These advantages of digital communication with the help of internet-based services using various applications are useful for marketing of products and services by the companies. The information of the product and service could be spread to a wide range of target customers in order to complete the marketing activities at optimal cost. The shift in the trend of marketing and selling of products of the companies in various sectors of the industry have been largely due to the changes in the way of communication of the society and the inclination of communication and information exchange through the online social media. The uses of social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. by the companies on an increasing scale are being observed to tap the potential opportunities in the changing market scenario (Ryan, 2011). The applications of the social

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Margaret Beaufort School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Margaret Beaufort School - Essay Example 33). The most notable external factor is the sector of the school. The environment depicts the people who make-up the population near the school as well as the economic activities around the school. The people determine the growth of the school and the behavior that the children get to develop. For instance, sale of drugs in the community that the school is a part of may become a negative influence. The children are a product of the community that surrounds them. The system, therefore, should be free from drugs and crime in order to create straight students who are ready to learn. The first comment relates to the external factor of pastoral care and the relocation of a new head in a bid to achieve academic success. The second observation tends to illustrate on the role of two leaders in the institution and their particular roles in the creation of a change in the culture of the institution. The community does not live in seclusion from the rules that govern the whole nation which the community forms part. Therefore, any positive change and that which is made with the aim to create an upsurge in performance and consequently falls within the rules of education should be applicable. The only uncertainty is the time since it may take a bit longer for the shift to settle. The factor depicts whether the school is a private school or a public school. Study illustrates that private schools tend to comprise a more teacher-student chemistry more that the public institutions (Kortmann, 2012, p. 17). The most probable reason is that the private schools tend to work on the performance of the students so that they can remain in business. Therefore, the factor that the school is a public one determines the performance of the students and the seriousness the teachers tend to put into their work. The size of the school may be subject to immigrations and other factors that may vary the number of either the students or the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Management - Assignment Example The existing laws and regulations have to be followed by the organization and the board of directors implementing corporate governance does not have any say in such laws. Corporate governance is a complex process that takes into account all the activities within the organization and possibly even outside the organization. It directly impacts the perceived quality of the organization among the consumers as well as the community therefore the organization uses this as a benchmark for developing the culture and rules within the organization. PART B According to me, strategy is the purpose of the organization and it aims to make sure that the organization is able to develop an edge in the market despite the increasing competition. Strategy needs to align with the vision and mission of the organization and it would be a collective effort rather than a collection of initiatives undertaken by different managers. If managers are free to develop their own strategy, they may risk losing the vi sion and mission of the organization. If however, the initiatives taken by the managers are being taken after considering the aims and vision of the organization then the action may be defined as a strategy. Strategic Management is indeed the level of managerial activity that falls between goals and tactics. It is the goals of the organization that define the strategy of the organization and strategic management on the other hand influences the tactics that the organization adopts in order to fulfill the goals identified. PART C a) Corporate governance is greatly dictated by external regulation. This is because the organization has to answer to a number of stakeholders which includes the external and the internal stakeholders also. These stakeholders demand that the organization comply with the external regulations. For example, the employees within the organization would demand that the organization comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. If the organization fails to comp ly with such acts it would likely be held accountable by the law. Thus, an organization needs to consider external regulations before forming or revising its own corporate governance. b) Gamble is quite correct in his view that strong boards lead to good corporate governance. This is because it is the responsibility of the board to develop corporate governance which would later impact all level of the organization including the culture of the organization. However, Gamble did not take into account the fact that hierarchy within the organization often limits the power of the board in ensuring that the rules and regulations developed in the corporate governance are being followed properly and in the spirit that they are meant to be followed (Hill and Jones, 390). PART D In my opinion, there are only three generic strategies which are cost leadership, differentiation and segmentation. Some may increase the categories to be five in number but I believe they are just repeating the same s trategies, albeit minor changes. I do not think stuck in the middle is a strategy. I am saying this because a mix of strategy would be no strategy at all. By incorporating all aspects of the three generic strategies, the organization would lose its control over either one of the strategies. For example, consider the fact that L’Oreal introduces mascara that is believed to add extra length to the lashes as a

Monday, October 14, 2019

Foreign exchange Essay Example for Free

Foreign exchange Essay As mentioned above, there was a significantly high supply of money in the United States, which characteristically led to depreciation of the United States dollar. In addition, the period was characterized by a high rate of inflation, implying that considerably larger sums of money would be used in buying commodities that would have been bought inexpensively in the earlier period (Atkinson and Hutto). On the international scale, the high cost of United States commodities meant that importers had to pay lots of money to acquire the goods, which ultimately lowered the level of international trade between the United States and other countries (Table 3). Consequently, the United States dollar fluctuated against other world currencies such as the Japanese yen, the Sterling Pound, Chinese yuan and the Australian dollar (Atkinson and Hutto). For instance, the Sterling Pound exchanged at between $1. 9548 and $2. 0442 in 2007 (Table 3), which was a very large variation. period Australia (dollar) Canada (dollar) China, P. R.(yuan) EMU Members (euro) Japan (yen) Mexico (peso) South Korea (won) Sweden (krona) Switzerland (franc) United Kingdom (pound) 2000. .5815 1. 4855 8. 2784 . 9232 107. 80 9. 459 1,130. 90 9. 1735 1. 6904 1. 5156 2001 . 5169 1. 5487 8. 2770 . 8952 121. 57 9. 337 1,292. 02 10. 3425 1. 6891 1. 4396 2002 . 5437 1. 5704 8. 2771 . 9454 125. 22 9. 663 1,250. 31 9. 7233 1. 5567 1. 5025 2003 . 6524 1. 4008 8. 2772 1. 1321 115. 94 10. 793 1,192. 08 8. 0787 1. 3450 1. 6347 2004 . 7365 1. 3017 8. 2768 1. 2438 108. 15 11. 290 1,145. 24 7. 3480 1. 2428 1. 8330 2005 . 7627 1. 2115 8. 1936 1. 2449 110. 11 10. 894 1,023. 75 7. 4710 1. 2459 1. 8204 2006 . 7535 1. 1340 7. 9723 1. 2563 116. 31 10. 906 954. 32 7. 3718 1. 2532 1. 8434 2007 . 8391 1. 0734 7. 6058 1. 3711 117. 76 10. 928 928. 97 6. 7550 1. 1999 2. 0020 2007: I. .7865 1. 1718 7. 7582 1. 3109 119. 33 11. 024 938. 98 7. 0089 1. 2330 1. 9548 II. .8316 1. 0983 7. 6784 1. 3484 120. 80 10. 878 928. 69 6. 8641 1. 2221 1. 9862 III. .8471 1. 0456 7. 5578 1. 3748 117. 74 10. 965 927. 27 6. 7402 1. 1986 2. 0213 IV. .8898 . 9811 7. 4336 1. 4482 113. 23 10. 849 921. 26 6. 4148 1. 1468 2. 0442 2008: I. .9058 1. 0039 7. 1590 1. 5007 105. 17 10. 803 956. 12 6. 2668 1. 0670 1. 9790 II. .9435 1. 0099 6. 9578 1. 5625 104. 62 10. 428 1,017. 02 5. 9862 1. 0316 1. 9712 III . 8879 1. 0411 6. 8375 1. 5030 107. 58 10. 328 1,064. 56 6. 3175 1. 0734 1. 8924 Table 3: Foreign exchange rates between 2000 and 2008 Source: Modified from GPO Access The strong dollar against the yen between 2001 and 2002, which was the beginning of the Bush administration, discouraged importation by Japan from the United States (Atkinson and Hutto). At the same time, citizens of the United States opted to import valuable items such as automobiles at the expense of the locally manufactured ones, thus putting the United States automobile industry in the quagmire in which it is today (OECD). The consequence of this is that major competitors such as the Japanese automakers have adversely affected local automakers such as Ford, and the whole industry has been earmarked for revival in the Economic Stimulus Package (OECD). Interest rates Government bond yields and interest rates generally declined between 2000 and 2008. For instance, the value of bills at auction declined steadily from $ 5. 85 to $1. 01 in 2003, but steadily rose from $1. 38 to $4. 73 in 2006 (GPO Access). The low price of bonds meant that banks were in a position to purchase more government bonds, thus diverting their attention from other financial service users such as borrowers (Crutsinger and Aversa). Ultimately, banks were forced to impose high interest rates on the loans they offered to the public, implying that most small business holders and individuals were crippled by a massive credit crunch (Crutsinger and Aversa). The ensuing credit crunch adversely affected the United States economy particularly towards the ends of the end of the Bush administration (Crutsinger and Aversa). Banks were most affected by the financial woes and this necessitated the Bush administration to consider taking ownership of various banks in a bid to protect them from collapsing (Crutsinger and Aversa). This move was however also ill planned, as it would result in unnecessary government expenditure, resulting into higher inflation in the United States (Hanke). In addition, there was no assurance that with the government’s acquisition of the banks, their performance would improve (Hanke). Conclusion. Even though the world witnessed a massive economic recession, the woes in the United States stemmed from the fact that the Bush administration spent excessively on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, which generally weakened the performance of most local institutions. The underperformance in various sectors was shown in high rates of unemployment, high inflation, fluctuating levels of money supply and foreign exchange rates as well as high bank interest rates. The combined effect of the various phenomena led to a crisis in the entire United States economy, thus making the Bush administration one of the worst leaderships of the United States. References Atkinson Robert D and Julie Hutto 18October 2004. Bush vs. Clinton: An Economic Performance Index. 10 March 2009. http://www. ppionline. org/ppi_ci. cfm? knlgAreaID=107subsecID=295contentID=252964 Crutsinger, Martin and Aversa, Jeannine 8 October 2008. Bush administration mulls bank stakes. 10 March 2009. http://www. freep. com/article/20081008/BUSINESS07/81008120/1015/BUSINESS02/Bush+administration+mulls+bank+stakes Curl, Joseph. 23 Oct. 2008 McCain lambastes Bush years. 10 March 2009. http://www. washingtontimes. com/news/2008/oct/23/mccain-lambastes-bush-years/ GPO Access . Civilian unemployment rate. 10 March 2009. http://www. gpoaccess. gov/eop/2009/B42. xls GPO Access . Money stock and debt measures, 1965–2008. 10 March 2009 http://www. gpoaccess. gov/eop/2009/B69. xls GPO Access. Bond yields and interest rates, 1929–2008. 10 March 2009. http://www. gpoaccess. gov/eop/2009/B73. xls GPO Access. Changes in consumer price indexes for commodities and services, 1929–2007. 10 March 2009. http://www. gpoaccess. gov/eop/2009/B64. xls GPO Access. Foreign exchange rates, 1985–2008. 10 March 2009. http://www. gpoaccess. gov/eop/2009/B110. xls. Hanke, Steve H. September 24, 2008 The Bush Legacy: Deflation or Inflation? 10 March 2009. http://www. cato. org/pub_display. php? pub_id=9663 Irwin, Neil and Eggen, Dan. 12 Jan. 2009. The Washington Post. Economy Made Few Gains in Bush Years: Eight-Year Period Is Weakest in Decades. http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/story/2009/01/12/ST2009011200359. html National Organization for Women. 27 August 2004. Bushs Economic Failure Weakens Middle Class, Deepens Poverty and Harms Women and Families. 10 March 2009. http://www. now. org/press/08-04/08-27. html OECD. Macroeconomic indicators. 10 March 2009. http://stats. oecd. org/mei/default. asp? lang=esubject=15country=USA Robinson, Woodward, Gellman. Timeline: Bushs Eight Years in Office. 10 March 2009. http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/bush/legacy/timeline Shi, Leiyu and Stevens Gregory D. Vulnerable Populations in the United States. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2004 The High Cost of Health Care. 25 November 2007. The New York Times. 10 March 2009. http://www. nytimes. com/2007/11/25/opinion/25sun1. html? _r=1 United states Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. 10 March 2009 http://www. bls. gov/.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Personal Teaching Philosophy Education Essay

My Personal Teaching Philosophy Education Essay Teaching. Teaching is a delivery of knowledge and giving impact on the next generation. In terms of teaching, I will discuss my roles as a teacher and a learner, narrate clearly about my teaching styles that I used to and will intend to apply. Relevant examples are given to cover the importance of the effectiveness of my teaching style as well as its downside. My teaching style is dominated by two preeminent styles: all-round flexible and adaptable teacher and big conference teacher. 1 These results are in line with what I have experienced. Currently, I lecture both theoretical and practical medical subjects. In small groups, I teach Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for theoretical subjects and Skills Laboratory as practical one. Whereas in large classes, I assist one of the lectures in Elective Block. As a medical teacher, I maintain my teaching roles as: 1. Motivator Dreams need a helping hand. As a teacher, I feel responsible to motivate learners. I energize students spirit when they fail, guide and coach them in achieving their dreams. Students should be given an understanding that no goals can be achieved without putting any efforts. Conversely, learning is built with frequent exposure and practising.2 2. Mentor As a mentor, I am alert to students aptitude and learning styles. This allows me to nurture their development and heighten their enthusiasm. To do this, I use inspiring quotations to pump out the students mood. Consequently, not only they enjoy the class, but also love the lessons. Quality time, a form of dedication, is highly important for both of us. 3 3. Role model Our words and actions create our own world. This motto keeps me to provide positive reinforcement for students continually. As a role model, I realize that there is a hidden curriculum that I have to nourish in students performance, particularly: attitude, communication skills, and social awareness. I do hope that my words and actions can inspire students to value other peoples lives, including patients lives. Encouraging learners to see all subjects holistically is equally important, thereby they will have a capability in making wise decision as junior doctors. 3 Learning. Based on educational theory, I found out that I am a Reflector and Pragmatist learner.4 This questionnaire enriched my previous perspective as a visual learner. I realize that being a constructivist learner also impacts my teaching methods. When I teach, for instance, I frequently provide examples and illustration, then relate them to my live experiences. 4-6 By sharing my experiences, I hope that learners compare them to their experiences. Classroom Effectiveness. I use various methods of teaching. This helps students to get accustomed to working collaboratively as a clinical team later. I love using dynamic and interactive methods, including: discussions, activities, games, field trip, and role play. When I teach, for instance, I form the class into small groups, present a few questions, then let them brainstorm. I structure my teaching for not more than two hours by imposing recess in the middle. The aim of this is to create an alive and conducive learning atmosphere, either in PBL or small group discussion. With good organization, I set aside my time prior to lectures to adjust materials and sequence appropriate with the time allocation. To facilitate, I provide up-to-date material, innovative teaching aids and media. Instructional technologies that I use include slides, pointer, flipchart, video, e-learning and simulation. I tend to prevent overload information. This is done by emphasizing most frequent cases and compiling similar topics into one module. Several steps that I perform in classroom: 1. Offer students a Pre-test and Learning Styles Survey I use Index of Learning Styles to find out deeply about my students preference and background.7 Over the years, most of the students are visual learners. Hence, it is advisable not to give lectures in one-way teaching method. For instance, I put visual aids like eye-catching pictures, diagrams, or video in class. 2. Define Learning Objectives Learning objectives are important for students to have a broad viewpoint of what knowledge or skills they will accomplish by the end of the class.8,9 I emphasize the importance of understanding the materials along with other subjects as a whole, not only certain chunks of organ systems. 3. Illuminate rules and roles for learners In large group settings, I discuss with students my teaching rules and learning outline at every first session.8,9 Whereas, in small classes, each student is given a chance to take turn in demonstrating the skills and procedures. I also provide them free time and rooms to practise out of class hours. Sometimes, there is an uncertainty in students own motivation. However, I have a belief, the more we restrict learners, the more they do not respect us. Principally, I trust them as an adult learner and let them learn freely without my full supervision or intervention. Students feedback showed that they favor my teaching methods because they feel valued for being treated as colleagues. Their marks and attitudes are generally excellent. Likewise, faculty members have described my teaching as flexible and professional. Students Background. My teaching is mostly based on class size, students background and interests. I had once a student who was always absent and come late. Previously, other stakeholders did not recognize his problems. After asking him in person, I came to know that he could not come to morning class due to consuming certain medicine. Next, I gathered the group which he involves in class. I asked the other students to help him participate in any discussions and project. Though his participation was slight in the first time, I could see a good progress of his passion to finish a degree. Later on, his internship performance was excellent and he graduated. Another case like students unwillingness to be a doctor is also plentiful to find. Being a sensitive teacher to students problems and conditions help me nourish their development and create an enjoyable environment for them to keep going. Downside. One of my biggest struggles in teaching is facing destructive learners, especially those who often fail the whole entire semester. In PBL settings, for instance, such student is more likely to interrupt and not willing to tolerate other learners perspective. Above all, I need to enhance my teaching capacity tremendously over time. To lead younger generations, I have to learn from others and understand the learners. This will allow me to ensure that all graduates are fit into the best practices as medical field is very much related to humans lives.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Homosexuality, Nature or Nurture? Essays -- Homo Gay Lesbian

Homosexuality, Nature or Nurture? Homosexuality has become a large issue in our lives today. Gay Rights activists have been making their voices heard; this has attracted the attention of the population making them take notice of their cause. The church has not been able to get away from the powerful political and social pressure of homosexuality. Some churches have accepted homosexuality but many still do not accept homosexuals, saying it is unnatural and not what 'god' intended of man. The church claims that what ever decision has been made, it has been done so on the basis of Christian moral principles. The Old Testament clearly forbids homosexual practices and in Leviticus 20:13 it reads: "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death." (Pyne, 1992, To address the issue of whether homosexuality derives from biological determinism (nature) or from the influences experienced from the environment around them (nurture), in 1973 the APA (American psychiatric Association) through much pressure from the Gay Rights Activists, classified homosexuality under the heading of sexual orientation disturbance. Sexual orientation refers to an individual's sexual attraction towards persons of a particular gender. Heterosexuals show this attraction to members of the opposite sex, homosexuals show it to members who are the same sex. According to Gross, McIlveen, Coolican, Clamp and Russell, 2000, three to four percent of men are exclusively homosexual compared to around one percent of women. Acc... introduction: Hodder & Stoughton Pyne, 1992,, 04/2002 Saunders and Pickering, 1997, http://www.cmf,org,uk/pubs/nucleus/nucoct97/cause.htm : 04/2002 Bibliography Bailey, 1991, :04/2002 Blum, 1997, : 04/2002 Bourne, Russo, 1998,Psychology: behaviour in context: Norton. Cameron, :04/2002 McIlveen, Coolican, Clamp and Russell, 2000, Psychology, a new introduction: Hodder & Stoughton Pyne, 1992,, 04/2002 Saunders and Pickering, 1997, http://www.cmf,org,uk/pubs/nucleus/nucoct97/cause.htm : 04/2002

Friday, October 11, 2019

Digi Employee Motivation

INTRODUCTION DiGi is a leading Malaysian mobile and Internet service provider. The company and brand are known for innovation and continue to challenge market norms in efforts to deliver what is relevant and easy to use for customers to enjoy the best deals in the market. DiGi is a primary mobile communications company providing a comprehensive range of affordable, convenient and easy to use wireless services to simplify and enrich the lives of its customers.They create value for their customers by selecting the most appropriate cutting edge technology so that users benefit from products and services that give them choice, convenience and control. DiGi. Com Berhad is recognised in the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and is part of the global telecommunications supplier, Telenor Group. They have a well-known presence as a leader in voice and data prepaid services with a number of first that have set industry benchmarks for creativity and innovation.These services are o ffered under the DiGi Prepaid brand name. Their Post-paid services under the DiGi Post-paid brand name delivers high quality voice as well as value added mobile content and data services to both individual and corporate customers. MISSION 1. Provide customers specific solutions to meet individual needs for communications, connectivity, and access to information and security 2. Provide an environment where our employees can grow and be fulfilled 3. Provide superior returns to shareholders 4. Contribute to improving life in Malaysia VISIONTo be seen as stars in excellent customer experience which we think will be one of the few differentiators in the longer term given the rapid commoditization of mobile services. CONTENTS Employee motivation is defined as the key for the effectiveness of an organization as whole. An understanding of the applied psychology within a workplace, also known as organizational behaviour can help to achieve a highly motivated workforce. Frederick Herzberg, a behavioural scientist proposed two-factor theory which is also known as motivator-hygiene theory in 1959.According to Herzberg in hygiene theory, there are some job factors that result in satisfaction while there are other job factors that prevent dissatisfaction. When a hygiene factor is provided to the employees who are not satisfied, it creates a favourable environment for motivation and prevents job dissatisfaction. It is not included as an intrinsic part of a job, but they are related to the conditions under which a job is performed for instance company policy and administration, wages and salaries, quality of inter-personal relations and feelings of job security.If these factors are considered inadequate by employees, then they can cause dissatisfaction with work. The motivation theory shows that this factor motivates the employees for a superior performance which is called as satisfiers. It is involved in performing the job and employees usually find these factors as intrinsi cally rewarding. The factors include status of employee, opportunity for advancement, gaining recognition and responsibility of employee and sense of personal achievement.The motivators symbolized the psychological needs as an additional profit. If they are effective, then they can motivate an individual to achieve above-average performance. Digi’s working environment is built around openness, transparency and flexibility with excellent mobility which verifies that they practise hygiene factor. Previously the organization chart has 12 stages of hierarchy which starts from CEO until the junior technician. This makes the communication and decision making process to proceed in a very slow, tough and unpredictable situation.Hence, the higher positioned employees will have higher benefits such as medical & hospitalisation, travel, personal accident & term life coverage, number of annual leave and bonuses according to their ranking in the organization. Each employee has their own w orking desk to organize their work documents and settle their job. However, the current organization chart has only 6 stages of hierarchy from the CEO to the Engineer. This will enable the company for fast decision making and the communication will more efficient with better reliability.Hence, today, the company are among the most competitive players in the industry. DiGi selected for a flat organisation in order to remain true to its core values of simplicity, innovation and best value. Digi’s reinvention has enabled the organisation to be more transparent and streamlined. All DiGi employees, from top management down to the receptionists, have the same kind of benefits, regardless of level or job title which shows that they are placed in the same flat working environment. It  nurtures more open communications and innovative-thinking.There are no barriers for communication in this new organization chart where by all the employees will be operating in the same place with an open environment. They can always sit wherever they prefer in the office because there is no specific place assigned for each employee. They create a challenging and rewarding work environment for our people to excel to bring out the best in them and to stimulate a high performance culture. The DiGi Technology Operating Centre met the specifications of Green Building to motivate the employees through the hygiene factor.The new sustainable and energy efficient centre will incorporate eco design elements which will translate to significant lifecycle savings with intelligent systems, while providing employees with a healthier and more comfortable work environment. DiGi empower the employees to have a committed sustainable future. Part of DiGi Deep Green programme is to increase employee’s awareness about the impact of climate change with the aim to motivate them to take action, either individually or collectively to reduce their carbon footprint.With increasing awareness of the individual impact, DiGi realised that this sense of responsibility for the environmental satisfaction will slowly, but surely, being entrenched into a smooth management without criticizing the surrounding condition and encouraging employees to take small steps in making some working lifestyle changes. Changing people's mind sets about their lifestyle habits is the biggest hurdle, for instance, carpooling versus personal transport and fluorescent lights versus energy-savings bulbs.DiGi, as a responsible corporation, can only aim to reach out as many of its employees as possible to prompt them to think twice before making a decision that may impact positively on the working environment convenience. So, to reach out and educate its employees about climate change, a 3-week campaign was launched on 30 June 2008. The objective was to grow together with all those we connect with green environment and the work environment for a better future.The aim of Digi Deep Green programme is to create awareness among the employees about the effect of climate changes and encourage them to act individually or in a group to lower the carbon footprint. The other factor that is practised by Digi is motivation factors. The Digi Company has received two Merit Awards in Malaysian Business Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards in 2007 which are Best Innovation and the Best Overall Winner in CSR categories. This acknowledgement was received after winning three PM’s CSR Awards in Cultural ; Heritage, Best Workplace Practices and the Best Overall CSR categories in 2006.The employee was inspired by this reward to work even harder and to please the organisation. Educational cultural programs are conducted through workshops, seminars, lectures, training sessions, conference, symposiums and forums where it helps the employees to have a strong relationship between each other no matter what race are they in. They will not critique or misunderstand other cultures or races and they wi ll be able to tolerate and be respectful to each other.These award giving creates employees with higher level of creativity, motivation and productivity which cause them to have drastic changes through their behaviour and the soft skills. Digi was also selected by the Carbon Disclosure Project as the top 5 in Asia and the first company in Malaysia among the other awards in 2011. This is shown by reducing the use of printed bills, where the customer needs to pay an extra fee to get the bills. Customers are also provided with a special place to lend their used mobiles for the recycling purposes.Moreover they have to agree and sign up a code which instructs them to fulfil the environment friendly practices. This will influence the employees to be more responsible towards the goal of this project. FINDINGS In order to obtain data regarding this topic, a short survey was constructed to be specific about the information needed about the Digi Company to identify employee weakness. In this report, there are two types of data used to have a clear picture of the study which are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the data that is collected for a specific purpose from original sources such as interview and surveys.The survey form and the pictures are attached in the appendix as the evidence. The other source of getting the data to complete this research is from online resources where the websites are cited in reference. Strength Digi D’house in Shah Alam quarters physically shows that it is environmental friendly building. It is because the glass windows are built from floor up to the roof that gives so much natural sunlight but breezy at the same time, allowing them to reduce the power consumption for lights and air conditioners. Dr. Ken Yeang designed the Digi Technology Operations Centre (TOC) which is located opposite the D’house.It is designed in a way that the external walls are covered with green plants to enhance the heat absorbance and increase the air quality inside the building. Lights in the building are controlled by the brightness of the natural lights outside where it will balance the brightness of the internal light of the building. It can also sense the presence of people in the room where it can turn off the light automatically. Digi employees experience balance working life which leads them to provide productive thinking and creativity.For instance, Digi staff mothers who newly delivered baby will have options to extend their maternity leave for almost two months total with the last 2 months at half pay beyond the mandatory 60 days. Nursing rooms are also provided by the management at Digi office to support breast feeding and also for the storage of breast milk. Flexible working time is offered but it depends on the nature of work responsibility. Moreover, important topics for the training are delivered to the employees in 2007 where over 30000 hours were spent to increase the performance level of the e mployees.The common topics used are Intellectual Property (IP) Training, Integrity! Programme, Radio Frequency (RF) Awareness Workshop, Telenor Global Trainee Programme, DiGi Internship Programme and â€Å"Digi Meets† Programme. Weakness Although the Digi Company provides a lot of benefits, some employees still have conflict in the organization’s management which leads to demotivation of employees especially if issues are not resolved properly. If an employee comes from a very good and higher educational background, they will expect appreciations and more benefits such as special working environment than thers who do not have the same education as them. Being treated as same as other employees will cause them to be demotivated. Based on DiGi’s flat organization, all DiGi employees from top management down to the receptionists have the same kind of benefits, regardless of level or job title where they are placed in the same flat working environment. These will ca use them to have dissatisfaction in the working place. When the employee is given more workloads he or she feels it’s too unrealistic. There are times where the employees will have to work more than their usual working hours but are given the same pay.There are now supervisors or managers in a ratio of 1 to 7 employees. The shift schedule is 12:30 pm to 9:00 pm or whenever shipping is done. They used to have a large day shift, but they cut that down and forced most people to work the other shift. Now whether they realize it or not, this has caused a lot of families hardships by not getting to spend time with each other. There is no increase in the pay even though they work for extra hours. In the end, their performance will be below their usual performance levels.When DiGi undergoes mergers, acquisitions, downsizing and retrenchments, they can have many nervous and anxious members of staff who have worked hard for the organization for years and suddenly they are told that the y may not have a job. This can put them in a very negative frame of mind and lead to the employee becoming very disillusioned with his or her current job. There may also be a lot of gossip going around in these organizations and employees may become demotivated out of fear of the unknown. If an employee feels that he or she is likely to lose their job anytime, that is there is job insecurity.Employees need to feel that their organization values them. Poor organizational skills, leading and control by upper management to all levels of employees is another cause of the employee being demotivated. The managers monitor the employees every minute. An employee is only given 30 minutes for lunch. They keep track of every time you are 1 min or more late. Still in the dark ages about how they treat part-time employees. Apart from that, some employees feel that very open communication will cause trouble in decision making process.This is because everybody will tend to give their ideas and whe n their ideas are not taken in count, it will create misunderstanding and distress the employees. Employees will be mentally distracted which will lower down the work productivity. RECOMMENDATION DiGi must treat their employees fairly in all the ways as well. Placing employees according to their educational background and what they deserve can satisfy them and it can even make employees more productive. Employees should be given the opportunity to voice an opinion on the matter and to discuss whether they think the management treating them right or not.There should a suggestion box so that for the employees who feel unfair and unsatisfied with how the management treats them, they can put in their comments, questions, and requests there. Teamwork is the way to go. Instead of giving the workload to one person, they can distribute it to a group of people. When the work is distributed evenly in the organization, the work can be done quicker and much easier without the need to force the employee to work for more hours. For the employee who’s working for more hours should be given extra pay compared to the one did lesser work.Simple praise and words of encouragement for a task well-done are always welcome. Employees should always be informed of changes, and even if they cannot be involved in the decision-making process, procedures should be clearly explained to them to ensure they believe that the decision-making process is fair. Employees who have worked hard for the organization for years should always be appreciated and the company should not just dismiss them from the company without giving them early notice if the company is under crisis. Company should always let people know of their plans and change of plans, if any.This makes life easier and better both for the employee and the organization. More time should be given to the employee to take their lunch. 30 min is too less for the employees. They have been working for hours so at least 1 hour should be given for them to relax their mind and thus they will feel refreshed to continue with their work. Employees should experience job rotation because this can provide them with more knowledge and working skills in different kind of environments. Part timers should not be monitored all the time as this will make them think that they are trusted.Hence, there are high possibilities for them to work better and in a productive way with high self-esteem. CONCLUSION In a nutshell, Digi Company acquires the employee motivation concept to improve their performance level by practising Herzberg Theory. However, employee’s motivation should not only rely on these factors as there are many others factors that promotes to employee motivation. Each manager should understand it clearly and know how to motivate their employee in order to produce better business output performance. Employee motivation is said to be a major factor in the success or failure for Digi Company.DiGi as the industry sh aper, has created many new innovations and more to come in the coming years. Digi is always the smarter choice. REFFERENCE 1. Farezza Hanum, R. (2012, June 5). DiGi spreads green practices among staff, clients. New Straight Times. Retrieved from http://www. nst. com. my/streets/central/digi-spreads-green-practices-among-staff-clients-1. 91120 2. Ching Thut, C. (2008, March  . It all starts from within for Digi. The Star. Retrieved from http://thestar. com. my/starbizicrm/pdf/0668389_2. pdf 3. DiGi’s Workplace – As they see it. (2008, January 16). Retrieved July 17, 2012, from http://www. nugerahcsrmalaysia. org/2008/01/16/winner-workplace-practices-digi/ 4. About DiGi-Careers. (2011). Retrieved July 17, 2012, from http://www. digi. com. my/aboutdigi/careers/index. do 5. Siti Sakinah binti Ab. Rahim (2009, August) . Factors Contribute To Employees Motivations Towards Individual Output Performance In Telco Company. Retrieved fromhttp://etd. uum. edu. my/1755/1/Siti_Sak inah_Ab. _Rahim. pdf APPENDIX EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION SURVEY FORM 1. MaleFemale 2. Permanent staffPart time staff 3. Are you happy with your job overall? If no, state why. Yes No __________________________________________________ . Do you like the policies, rules and the way your company treats you? If no, state why? Yes No __________________________________________________ 5. Are your works very stressful? Yes No ___________________________________________________ 6. Are you paid well for the work you do? Yes No ____________________________________________________ 7. Comments ____________________________________________________ The award ceremony was on Friday, 29 Feb 2008, with guest of honour, Dato' Dr Mohd Taib Hashim, Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Higher Education representing the Minister.Best Overall CSR Winner in 2007, DiGi Telecommunications which had also taken home two awards that night – the Award for best Workplace Practices and the Award for contrib utions to Culture & Heritage preservation. Digi Deep Green 2009 Clean Tech Open  Malaysia became a success. This event has attracted 47 entries and I was made to understand that Clean Tech USA had praised this achievement. D’House, DiGi’s Shah Alam headquarters, is an environmentally sustainable building where natural resources are used efficiently Interview session with one of the employee working in Digi Telecommunication Company.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

What Drives Romeo’s Actions

What drives Romeo and his actions? Emotions can take over both your mind and your heart. For some, they tend to let their feelings get the best of them, therefore causing someone to do things because of how they feel. There are many examples for this in Romeo and Juliet but one stands out more than others, the character of Romeo. â€Å"Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? †(Act 2, scene 2, 33), Juliet asks this question, and it might get one thinking what kind of man is Romeo and what drives him and his actions.Romeo is a very passionate teenager who is driving by his emotions. He falls instantly in love with Juliet, just by looking at her. His shows his anger when he kills Tybalt, and Paris. Finally, his emotions push him to commit suicide. Romeo falls head over heels for Juliet the moment she steps foot into the ball. Once he lays eyes on her, he forgets about his pains and only thinks of her, and how beautiful she is. â€Å"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight ! / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night† (Act 1, Scene 5, 52-53), Romeo claims Juliet is the perfect girl.He instantly falls in love based on her beauty. Love definitely drove his actions. Anger is also an emotion that drives Romeo, especially when he kills both Tybalt, and Paris. That late thou gavest me; for Mercutio’s soulIs but a little way above our beads, Staying for thine to keep him company. Either thou, or 1, or both, must go with him (Act 3, Scene 1, 125-128) However, even if wanting to kill Tybalt is out of anger, there is still some love, in his reasoning.Romeo truly cared about Mercutio, and when Tybalt kills him, Romeos emotions get the best of him once again. He doesn’t really think of the consequences of his actions, and killing Tybalt is a decision that was mad in a second. Emotions are definitely presents when Romeo kills himself. â€Å"Here’s to my love! O true apothecary! /they drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. â €  Romeo is only thinking about his love for Juliet at this point. Not realising he has so much to live for, and that Juliet isn’t really dead.All he wants is to be with her forever. Romeo is a young man, who is driven by emotions, and most of the time that emotions is love. He is very passionate and tends to listen to his heart, and not think before he does things. Whether it’s falling instantly in love with Juliet, killing people of anger, or killing himself, Romeo always lets his emotions drive him. Sometimes it can be a good thing, but when it comes down to it he’s emotions make him do something without thinking. What Drives Romeo’s Actions What drives Romeo and his actions? Emotions can take over both your mind and your heart. For some, they tend to let their feelings get the best of them, therefore causing someone to do things because of how they feel. There are many examples for this in Romeo and Juliet but one stands out more than others, the character of Romeo. â€Å"Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? †(Act 2, scene 2, 33), Juliet asks this question, and it might get one thinking what kind of man is Romeo and what drives him and his actions.Romeo is a very passionate teenager who is driving by his emotions. He falls instantly in love with Juliet, just by looking at her. His shows his anger when he kills Tybalt, and Paris. Finally, his emotions push him to commit suicide. Romeo falls head over heels for Juliet the moment she steps foot into the ball. Once he lays eyes on her, he forgets about his pains and only thinks of her, and how beautiful she is. â€Å"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight ! / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night† (Act 1, Scene 5, 52-53), Romeo claims Juliet is the perfect girl.He instantly falls in love based on her beauty. Love definitely drove his actions. Anger is also an emotion that drives Romeo, especially when he kills both Tybalt, and Paris. That late thou gavest me; for Mercutio’s soulIs but a little way above our beads, Staying for thine to keep him company. Either thou, or 1, or both, must go with him (Act 3, Scene 1, 125-128) However, even if wanting to kill Tybalt is out of anger, there is still some love, in his reasoning.Romeo truly cared about Mercutio, and when Tybalt kills him, Romeos emotions get the best of him once again. He doesn’t really think of the consequences of his actions, and killing Tybalt is a decision that was mad in a second. Emotions are definitely presents when Romeo kills himself. â€Å"Here’s to my love! O true apothecary! /they drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. â €  Romeo is only thinking about his love for Juliet at this point. Not realising he has so much to live for, and that Juliet isn’t really dead.All he wants is to be with her forever. Romeo is a young man, who is driven by emotions, and most of the time that emotions is love. He is very passionate and tends to listen to his heart, and not think before he does things. Whether it’s falling instantly in love with Juliet, killing people of anger, or killing himself, Romeo always lets his emotions drive him. Sometimes it can be a good thing, but when it comes down to it he’s emotions make him do something without thinking.